Strength and Health, January 1956

Table of Contents

Editorial - Muscles and AmericaBob Hoffman3
World Weight-Lifting ChampionshipsBob Hoffman8
You Can't WinBob Hoffman12
Kadr El Touni - Lifting ColossusCharles Coster14
The Little Giant Passes On - Bernarr MacfaddenHarry B Paschall16
Success StoriesSteve Stanko20
Strong Men the World OverRay Van Cleef22
Irong Grapevine24
Behind the ScenesHarry B Paschall26
They Say HI-PROTEEN is a Miracle FoodBob Hoffman28
Do Shoulders Make the Man?John C Grimek30
Man of the Month - Harry V Jones32
Story of a BoyDonne Hale34
Boys Club35
Steve KlisaninPaul H Skuse36
Mail Bag37
1955 FICH Mr UniverseBob Hoffman48

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