Strength and Health, November 1953

Table of Contents

Editorial - How Vitality Can Be IncreasedBob Hoffman3
Weightlifting News7
World Weightlifting Championships Results9
Too Small For Football ?Jim Murray10
York Advanced Methods of Weight TrainingBob Hoffman12
You Need Carbohydrates As Well As ProteinBob Hoffman14
Jose Avilla, Mr Puerto RicoPaul Waldman15
Paul Anderson - World's Strongest ManJim Murray16
What's Your Best ?Bill Wilson17
Uknown Exceeds Lightweight Press RecordJim Murray19
Success StoriesSteve Stanko20
Strongmen The World OverRay Van Cleef22
A Favorite Training RoutineSiegmund Klein24
Behind The ScenesHarry B Paschall26
Overeatign To Gain Weight - Right or Wrong ?John C Grimek28
How I Developed My Legs, as Told By Bill PearlLeo Stern30
Photo Contest Winner: Tay Teo Chuan32
Mr. Muscle Beach ContestGeorge R Bruce34
Barbelles - Miss Muscle BeachAbbye "Pudgy" Stockton35
The Man On The Cover - Joel BabaJim Murray39
Your Training ProblemsJohn C Grimek66

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