Strength and Health, May 1949

Table of Contents

Editorial - The Four Horsemen - FatigueBob Hoffman3
Letters From Readers8
Strength and Health Calendar - Roy Hilligen9
"With Malice Toward None"John C Grimek10
Strongmen The World OverRay Van Cleef12
Self Improvement HeroesSteve Stanko14
Exercise and SunlightBob Hoffman16
Behind The ScenesHarry B Paschall19
Did'ya hear !Ed Yarick20
Making a Champion LifterTony Terlazzo21
My Trip to CaliforniaSiegmund Klein22
The Mr. and Miss U.S.A. Contest !Lewis Arnold Pike24
Weightlifting News41
Coming Events47
Your Training ProblemsJohn C Grimek50

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